10 Ways To Make Gratitude A Daily Habit In Your Life

There’s so much to be grateful for in our everyday lives: Our relationships with others, the food we eat, the beauty of the outdoors and the place we call home. 

But we tend to overlook the sometimes seemingly small things, waiting for something bigger or “more worthy” to be excited about. 

Studies actually show that people who make gratitude a habit enjoy greater resilience, experience more positive emotions, effectively manage stress and, ultimately, lead happier lives — just ask Harvard, Berkeley or basically any psychologist. 

So, taking a moment to appreciate what you have — whether that’s a physical belonging, someone in your life, a wide open space, a passing feeling or a big milestone — can amp up your satisfaction in life. 

And the best part is — you can do this anywhere! When you’re walking outside, lounging at home, sitting at your desk, driving in your car, you name it.

So there’s no need to only chase the extraordinary moments. Instead, we encourage you to find contentment every single day.

10 Ways You Can Express Gratitude (& Improve Your Daily Life)

Being grateful has a lot to do with feeling content with what you have right here and now — and expressing it! Maybe to yourself, or those around you. 

Here are 10 ways to make gratitude a daily habit in your life:

1) Make Note Of What You’re Grateful For 

Gratitude journals are a great way to write down what you appreciate. Keep a running list — whether events, people, memories, feelings, you name it — of what you appreciate during the day and refer back to it whenever you’re feeling down. 

A gratitude jar is another way to include your whole family. Drop a gratitude slip in the jar everyday and pretty soon you’ll have a collection. Then, take turns pulling gratitude slips out at Thanksgiving, family events or anytime you want to be reminded of how blessed you are.

2) Practice Mindfulness 

Being present in the current moment is one of the best ways you can practice gratitude. Meditation can help you experience the moment for what it is: the sights, sounds, smells and other sensations. Meditation can be practiced in the traditional sense, with a block of time you spend alone contemplating, or it could be weaved into other things you love. Hiking, biking, taking your dog to the park and even cooking can be forms of meditation if you use it to ground yourself.

Want more local and outdoor activity ideas? We share free resources, tips, events and more every week! 

3) Look For Ways To Give Back 

Volunteering and donating are also great ways to show gratitude. You can give back in little ways like showing up for events and fundraisers, choosing a charity to support, shopping locally at independent shops, or helping out your neighbours. These are just a few of the many ways you can contribute to your community without it costing a lot of time or money.

4) Show Random Acts Of Kindness

Small courtesies go a long way. Try listening carefully to coworkers and customers, shoveling your neighbour’s driveway or opening the door for the person behind you. Showing that you appreciate others and the community you live in will make a positive impact for you and for them. 

5) Notice The Little Things

Now this one might sound easy, but you’d be surprised at how quickly we dismiss or forget to acknowledge the small things. So work on paying attention and remarking on what others do to improve your life — like taking out the garbage, a family member making you dinner, a business sending you info + tips, a coworker answering your questions, a friend who’s always down to go on a hike. There are so many people in our lives who make it better!

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ways to make gratitude a daily habit

6) Celebrate The Body You Have

While we know it’s easy to be hard on yourself, our bodies are pretty darn amazing, even when we’re not treating them as good as we should be. Do something that makes you feel healthy, strong and appreciative by showing your body some love. Go for a workout or bike ride, write a love letter to yourself, pamper yourself with a massage or relaxing activity you enjoy or spend time in nature to disconnect. Treat yourself how you would treat a good friend.

7) Practice Gratitude Rituals

If this new gratitude habit doesn’t come naturally to you, that’s ok! Keep practicing, and soon, it’ll become a reflex. Try smiling when you wake up, saying thanks before you eat and sighing mindfully when you’re getting ready for bed. Linking a new habit that you want to implement (expressing gratitude) to something you do regularly will help you practice appreciation more often.

8) Tell People You Appreciate Them

Those we love, or see the most, often receive the least amount of appreciation from us. When we get comfortable with someone, it’s easy to stop expressing how we feel. So a simple “This meal is delicious, thanks,” or a card with a personal note can be a nice touch to show gratitude and remind them how you feel. This is your opportunity to pay it forward and enrich someone else’s life. Some of our community members have been kind enough to share their appreciation here.

Wanna share your love with us too? We’d love to feature you! Share your gratitude here.

9) Give Using Your Creativity

Gift-giving can show loved ones appreciation, but it can mean more if you find something that makes you think of them locally, or even make it yourself. So keep your ears open when your people are talking, and then look for homemade or local gift opportunities to show them that they’re important to you. Items like a framed photo, a gift card to their favourite local restaurant, or a “coupon” to do a chore can go a long way.

10) Don’t Ignore The Bad Things

While difficult situations in life are never fun, they can help us appreciate the good in our lives even more. When we’re sick, we appreciate our health more. When we’re lonely, we appreciate our friendships even more. But when we’re able to feel the good and the bad, we’re then able to connect with others and feel gratitude even more deeply.

So how are you showing gratitude in your life right now, or how do you plan to start? 

Whether you’re new to the practice or you’re seasoned at appreciating, share it in our free, always-welcoming Parks of Calgary Pioneers Community.

Parks of Calgary has been connecting Calgarians to the outdoors since 2019. This community-driven platform encourages people to get outside, support local businesses, engage with their community and explore this city we call home. Learn more about what we stand for, or let’s connect here. 
