Experience Calgary From 2,500 Feet In A Hot Air Balloon

As adventure seekers and outdoor enthusiasts, we’re always looking for new and unique ways to experience Calgary. That’s why we jumped at the opportunity to catch the city skyline from 2,500 feet above. Riding in our first hot air balloon was already crossing off a bucket list item, but getting to do it over the city we love? Was surreal.

If you’ve never been in a hot air balloon before, here’s what you can expect when you sign up for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

How Hot Air Balloons Work

A hot air balloon has three essential parts: the burner, which heats the air; the balloon, which holds the air; and the basket, which carries the passengers.

The first hot air balloon rose in the summer of 1783, when the Montgolfier brothers sent a sheep, duck and chicken on an 8-minute flight over France. Modern balloons today heat the air by burning propane stored in lightweight cylinders.

Once you’re in the air, the pilot then uses wind and hot bursts of flame to make the balloon rise, or vents the balloon to control your descent. Hot air ballooning requires ideal conditions of clear skies and low-to-no wind, so it’s always an exciting day when you actually get to go UP.

What To Expect On Your Calgary Hot Air Balloon Adventure

Pre-Hot Air Balloon Flight

If you choose to hot air balloon in Calgary with Sundance Balloons, this one-of-a-kind experience requires you to be an early riser. Our morning kicked off with a 3:35am wake-up to meet our group by 4:05am (meeting times change due to sun rise). We hopped in a van with the flight crew, towing the deflated balloon in a trailer behind us, and headed to our starting point just west of the city. 

Before taking flight, the pilot tested the wind to observe patterns so he could predict our flight path, and determine if it was safe to fly. It’s very common for hot air balloon flights to be cancelled the night prior to (or even the morning of) if unfavourable weather or high winds are predicted. Luckily, we were given the green light and got to fly on our first attempt!

Next, it was time to assemble the balloon. We helped the crew unload the equipment and started inflating the balloon using several large fans. Once it was full enough, the pilot tipped the basket upright, used heat to raise the balloon, and we all jumped in! 

The large wicker basket had small cut outs to help us climb up and over the approximately 4-foot-tall side. Once inside, the basket is split into five sections, each corner sectioned off for passengers to stand together, and a large centre area for the pilot and fuel. This particular basket could fit up to 12 passengers, but there are balloons around the world that can fit up to 32! 

In-Flight Hot Air Ballooning Over Calgary, Alberta

Now this is where the magic happened (and why all of a sudden we didn’t mind getting up sooo early). Our balloon took off before sunrise, so we gazed over west Calgary and our breathtaking mountain backdrop as the sun peeked over the eastern flats.

Everything seemed to slow down as we watched the sun slowly illuminate the prairies, mountains and our city. Our flight path took us northeast over Highway 1, then Valley Ridge Golf Club and continued over Calgary’s northwest communities. As we floated past COP and flew north, the downtown skyline came into view. Luckily, the forest fire smoke was light, so downtown was still visible through a thin layer. Watch a short video of our flight here!

Altogether, we were in the air for about an hour — a typical hot air balloon flight generally lasts between 45-60 minutes, pending weather, temperature, weight, wind cooperation and suitable landing spots. Weather can change quite drastically in an hour, so flights do not generally last longer than this for passenger safety. 

Landing The Hot Air Balloon

If you’re wondering, “Where the heck do you land a hot air balloon in Calgary…?” — here’s the scoop. Sundance Balloons has an agreement with the city that they can land in Calgary parks and Calgary schoolyards, as the flight ends before most people are out of bed for the day, let alone at school. 

Our humble and hilarious pilot, Mitch, descended towards several landing spots, but the breeze kept pushing us further east, preventing our landing. Luckily, there are plenty of designated landing spots before the no-fly zone (near the airport and downtown limits). As we got closer to the ground, unsuspecting northwest Calgary residents came out on their balconies and driveways to wave and take photos.

If you’ve been on an airplane before, landing a hot air balloon is a whole new ball game, seeing as these huge contraptions don’t have any brakes. The flight crew instructed us to get into a brace position, as landings can be a little rough. Our basket lightly skimmed the treetops before we bumped along the ground 3-4 times on an open soccer field before resting in its final, normal position — on its side. 

One by one, we all crawled out of the hot air balloon, and were welcomed with a bright and early morning sky — celebratory mimosa in hand at 7:30am. All there was left to do was help the crew pack the balloon up, shuttle back down to our cars, and start the workday! 

Frequently Asked Hot Air Ballooning Questions

Was it scary?

Honestly… No! Personally, we both like heights, so we loved the view and found the whole process fascinating. Now, of course, take-off and landing were a bit nerve-wracking (like when you try anything new), but the crew was excellently trained and we had a fabulous time.

What should I wear?

Riding in a hot air balloon is easy and low-key, so there’s no preparation required. Sundance recommends you wear layers and practical clothing, like comfortable shoes, long pants, a light jacket, a hat and sunglasses — no sandals or high heels. The morning air can be chilly, so make sure you dress accordingly, based on the day’s weather.

Have more questions about hot air ballooning in Calgary? See Sundance Balloons FAQs.

How Do I Hot Air Balloon In Calgary

Ready to experience our Calgary from almost a kilometre ABOVE ground?! Create new memories and cross this unique activity off your bucket list on your next adventure. 

We highly recommend flying with Sundance Balloons — offering exceptional hot air balloon rides across Canada since 1985. 

Wanna experience Calgary from THE GROUND? That’s cool too! Download the YYC Summer Activities Guide and us our YYC Adventure Atlas for our favourite spots to hang outside in the city.

Before you know it, it’ll be winter again. That’s why we’re sharing our fave summer activities with you + where to do them. Make having fun in the sun a non-negotiable this season.

​​From floating and boating,to picnicking and playing games — we’ve got you covered.

Parks of Calgary has been connecting Calgarians to the outdoors since 2019. This community-driven platform encourages people to get outside, support local businesses, engage with their community and explore this city we call home. Learn more about what we stand for, or let’s connect here. 
