7 Reasons To Shop Local In Calgary & 2 Tools You Can Use

calgary downtown skyline

You’ve probably been hearing ‘support local’ campaigns for years, and the whole idea makes sense, right? To spend money where you make money, contributing to and building a thriving economy. But there’s so much more to it than that.

If you’re wondering, “Does it really matter if I shop right here in Calgary and the surrounding area…?” Listen up. 

We believe small businesses are the heart and soul of any strong community. Because the more local shops and small businesses that call Calgary home, the more diversity, creativity, quality and opportunity you can find. Which can only mean more unique ideas, new products, helpful services and more for people like you to choose from. 

Shopping locally not only provides Calgary residents with an abundance of jobs, but it also supports our communities, relationships, mental health, environment and more. 

Because who doesn’t want to… 

  • Grab a hot beverage + snack while you walk around a park…
  • Peruse local shops + find cute knick knacks while exploring a bustling neighbourhood…
  • Participate in a variety of activities offered nearby to get out of the house…

And so much more! The positive effects of small businesses in our communities are endless. 

So we won’t give you just one, but SEVEN reasons why you should consciously support local Calgary businesses year-round. Plus, we’re sharing two different tools you can use on our website to make shopping local easier than ever. 

Do you own or manage a local business you want to promote? Apply to work with us here.

1) 90% Of Calgary Businesses Are ‘Small’ (2022)

This means that many of your friends, family, neighbours and fellow Calgarians either run, manage or work at small businesses (which each employ 1-49 employees). Calgary has some great local business incubators, like Innovate and Start Up Calgary. These support entrepreneurs and help them bring their dreams to life. We also have an abundance of local markets happening year-round, allowing creatives to showcase their work without purchasing a storefront. No wonder we see so much variety in Calgary businesses! 

2) Find Custom Goods & Locally-Inspired Services 

One of the coolest benefits of shopping here Calgary, is that you can find locally inspired, custom items and services. Meaning that businesses often draw inspiration from the nearby landscape, culture, people, history, you name it. Nowhere else in the world will you find the iconic Calgary skyline, rolling Rocky Mountains, wide open prairies and local wildlife on apparel, jewellery, woodworking, sweaters and logos. Not to mention themed events celebrating and experiencing them, like tours, fundraisers, activities, the list goes on and on. 

Next time you’re looking for an outing, unique gift idea, coffee shop recommendation, browse our collection of incredible small businesses on Partner Plaza that we’re continually growing. 

3) Choose Quality Over Quantity

It’s no secret that shopping at a small business is usually more expensive than their big box store competitors. But they earn it in so many ways, one being a higher quality of service and/or product. You might buy a similar product from a large chain, but it lasts half as long or isn’t quite what you want. Maybe you purchase a service from a larger company, who you can’t get ahold of or seems to just be going through the motions (far from above and beyond). Which leads to our next reason why…

4) Receive Personalized Service 

Because we believe business should be personal. If a small business doesn’t have what you’re looking for, they’re often able to customize something for you. Providing you with a unique and personalized product, service or experience, that goes unmatched by one-size-fits-all options. Plus, it’s usually much easier and simpler to communicate with a small business. You’re generally talking to the owner or a passionate employee who can directly answer your question, instead of sitting on hold, being patched through a long chain of staff or fighting chatbots to find what you’re looking for. 

5) Don’t Undervalue Convenience

Picture this: It’s Saturday morning and you’re headed out running, but your shoelace breaks. Or you open the bag, only to realize you’re out of dog food. Where do you go to grab last-minute items? If you want businesses to be open in your community, you need to support them and let them know. If you like living in a vibrant, bustling neighbourhood, where it’s easy to walk and grab the items you need, the best way to continue doing so is shopping there yourself. The same goes for services — business owners will only keep offering help as long as people need them. 

6) Decrease Your Environmental Impact

Fewer transportation kilometers for goods and services = reduce your carbon footprint and waste. Plus, you can skip the unnecessary and/or excessive packaging by shopping in-store or requesting local pick up. Choosing a closer option means you help reduce the distance the product needs to travel. Heck, make a day of it and plan your shopping right into your next city adventure using our YYC Adventure Atlas, complete with parks, attractions, local businesses and more.  

7) Support Your Neighbours & Connect With Your Community 

Wouldn’t you rather buy flowers from the cute shop on the corner that customizes your order, or grab a coffee from the independent cafe where the same barista greets you every time you’re there? Humans are social creatures, and personal connections make experiences more meaningful (and boost our mental health). 

Whether this is talking to a real person on the phone or through email, meeting the owner in-store, hearing a business’ story on social media, or knowing the reason why a product or service was first offered, these help us form a connection to our local entrepreneurs, which creates a willingness in us to support them.  

(Not to mention that someone right here in our city does a little happy dance every time you choose to buy local).

And there ya have it! Seven reasons why you should consciously shop local here in Calgary and the surrounding area, year-round. This is your gentle reminder to think about where you’re spending your money, because as you’ve now read, money spent locally can have a huge economic, environmental, social, mental and physical impact. 

Do you own or manage a local business you want to promote? Apply to work with us here.

Parks of Calgary has been connecting Calgarians to the outdoors since 2019. This community-driven platform encourages people to get outside, support local businesses, engage with their community and explore this city we call home. Learn more about what we stand for, or let’s connect here. 


One Response

  1. Great information and encouragement to shop local and great reasons to do so. It is more important than ever to support local community businesses so they can thrive and remain in the community. Just checked out your Partner Plaza – what a great idea to allow local businesses to share what they offer, location, etc.